Have you seen “BLUE MOON ” ?
Tonight (8/31/2012), about 10 pm, I open my house door just to check if we have a clear night sky. Amazingly, I saw a beautiful bright bluish full moon bathing inside the clouds . At that moment, I felt tonight’s moon was very unique “cool & amazingly beautiful”. It was very much different from the full moon that I used to see all the time. Somehow, I was stunned/touched by the scene and had a pulse that I want to catch that moment. Immediately, I went upstairs to look for my camera. I did take some photos. But, I have to admit, the taken scenes were not as beautiful as the one that I just saw few minutes ago. I was puzzled and wondered why tonight’s moon was so unique ??? Then I start google searching and found out : tonight’ moosn is really a special one . People called it “BLUE MOON” night .
Hope you will see the same scene in another 2.7 years !!!
Please see the following info/link for BLUE MOON ! http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/ataglance
Friday, Aug 31 / 2012
Full Moon (exact at 9:58 a.m. EDT). It is a “blue Moon ! The term refers to the second full Moon in a calendar month. Blue Moons come once every 2.7 years on average. The next is on July 31, 2015.